Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Take a breath, take it deep

If you focus so much on manifesting tomorrow then 
you will miss today and today is 
critical in manifesting tomorrow. 
Think about it. 
Reflect. Live. Breathe. 
Love is life. 
-Dakota Lawrence

It's perfect. I mean, as perfect as any words can be. I like words though (obviously) so it doesn't hurt.

The whole idea makes sense. It resonates through my mind, and seems to set the brain in motion. I like the way it feels inside my already crazed mindset. My mind that's coursing with adrenaline, and pounding with the frustrations from today.

It seems to stop it all, but in a good way. It almost has the ability to freeze time in my brain while I read it, over and over again. It's making me think of things in perspective again. I mean, having such a good chat with my mom definitely helped too. I think this was just the catalyst to string it all into one coherent brain wave.

It's all just going to O.K. 

I like the thought, that is portrayed in Dakota's words due to its truth. I find myself in this place everyday, and especially today. I'm too focused on tomorrow to even begin to think about the greatness that was or could have been today. Tomorrow is something I'll get to eventually, like reading the Lord of the Rings, and running an actual 5k. Keeping my eye on the prize the whole time, but good things take time. And I've got to enjoy the days leading up to tomorrow, to make it all worthwhile.

Tomorrow will be O.K. I will be O.K. after tomorrow. I will survive, and I can enjoy tomorrow as the today before the next tomorrow.

One day, one new passion, one new blog post at a time.

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