Sunday, April 22, 2012

It seem's like more than distance between us

brotip #1835 -- if you're wondering why bad things happen to good people, it's because they're capable of handling it. 

I want to think that's the real motto. Not that YOLO, or YOHAPO crap. Or that life sucks and then you die.

That shitty things happen because it's a challenge for yourself. And who doesn't like a challenge? At least in most regards.

That's how I'm looking at it. Not that I've got the world and a half on my shoulder's right now. In fact, far from it. I'm not literally dying, and my family and friends are all well and healthy (except for some minor issues but hey. what can you do?) I'm having #collegegirl troubles, as anyone in my shoes would have, and maybe a little more. But that's another story, another blog post, another day.

Anyways. Back to the point. Maybe it all just links back to the whole idea of fate, and that things happen for a reason. It's all part of some sort of bigger plan, and you can't get there unless you carry your own suitcase of struggle. Everyone comes with baggage,that ridiculous refrain that everyone gets slammed with in those relationship issues. It something you get when you judge people, or don't give them the benefit of the doubt.

Everyone has their own story, and their own set of struggles. No one gets through life scot free, and no actually get's the last laugh. But the thing is, you get through it because you're strong, and you can. Bad things happen to those who can shoulder it, and make it through the idea of "Survival of the Fittest."

Because those that can't, don't make it very far.

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