Sunday, April 1, 2012

I'm gonna live my life

"She says she wants to go into the wilderness on her own, to where black clouds meet the road, the end of the road. She will head towards the end while clearly knowing that in fact it is an end without and end. The road stretches endlessly and there is always a point where the sky and the earth meet, but the road just crawls over it. She will simply follow the desolate road under the shadow of the clouds and go where ever her legs take her. When,after great hardships, she gets to the end of the long road, it will stretch further still and she will keep walking endlessly like this..."

-- "Soul Mountain" by  Gao Xingjian

I feel like I'm going to choke on my words. Or maybe I'm going to choke on my frustration at my words. Or maybe I'm just going to choke on these mind numbing words from "Soul Mountain".

This book is going to be the death of me. It's a cynical, yet strong young woman's worst nightmare. Pages upon pages contain the stories of a young man and his countless encounters with the women he meets. And to be honest, they are all the stereotypical crazy woman. The hormonal ones that everyone fears. The ones who get lost in their own reality to escape the one they currently reside in.

And it frustrates me. Why can't we just have a book where the woman characters are normal, breathing, strong; like the people I've met in my life.

I'm tired of being stereotyped as over emotional. Crazy. And not just kind of crazy, like total bat shit cray cray.

I don't want to be anything like the woman in this novel. Who claim "Men's truth is different from woman's truth"(pg 32), whom through the whole entire 46th chapter cannot decide if she loves, hates, or wants to kill her lover, husband whatever. I can't even gather up the want to finish a post about the mind numbing agony that follows me through this book.

I'm already frustrated with life. Why can't something as simple as homework be a reprieve?

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