Sunday, April 1, 2012

Don’t wanna give in so we both gave up

I've been thinking.....why has it evolved into the human nature to give up?

To stop when the going get roughs, and to follow the path of least resistance. It wasn't a natural born thing. How would we as a species have survived had we just sat down and felt sorry for ourselves every time nature didn't give us enough deer to feed our family?

Imma be honest...we'd all be dead. Because at that point, we'd have no deer, because we'd be too busy pissing and moaning to hunt. Which is worse than just having the three deer you would have originally gotten and been able to survive off of through the long winter.

This isn't meant to be a derogatory blog post towards those in my surrounding world, or even a self degrading blog post about myself. I've been trying to figure out why I happen to be in such a rough mood today....and off and on the past few days.

I just feel like I'm stuck, and I've given up the fight. Which I haven't (given up that is) and I'm not entirely sure what fight I would have given up anyways but point is....I feel as though I've sat down in the mud, and am just hoping the rain comes to wash it away soon. I feel like I'm given up on the unknown, and just accepting to be crabby.

Which is entirely unlike myself, and really happens to aggravate me more than I already am. Which is impressive, with the amount of aggravation I feel in my system right now.

As the lovely family likes to say "No Rain, No Rainbows". How can success happen if the world is too busy sitting around for the rainbow at the end of the storm? The true success stories come in from the rain, after the struggle is done.

I mean, there are also those select few moments that can be defined as appropriate to give up. Sometimes, relationships aren't just meant to be, or a side plank just hurts too much. The thing is though, you've got to understand why you're giving up. As Deb Caletti so lovingly let us know "Know when you've reached an end. Quit, give up, do it with courage. Giving up is not failing -- it's the chance to begin again."

I think it's important to think about. Sometimes you've got to stop so you can BEGIN AGAIN. But that's the key. To continue on, you've got to restart. To give that friendship another go. To start and redo the whole plank. To run that extra mile next time.

Giving up is a touchy line. So. I give up. I will no longer try and define my utter indifference towards the human race today. But with this internet declaration, I'm going to add something.

I'm going to begin again. Start fresh. Accept that it's ok to be sad, and to have fears, regrets. To not understand everything in my life right now. But tomorrow, to keep trucking. Keep moving. Keep running. Continue to begin again.

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