Thursday, February 2, 2012

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger

I feel like I'm in a weird spot in my life right now. I haven't been here since high school, and it's an interesting feeling to get used.

Imminent change. That's the best way to describe it. Life as I know it, right this minute, is going to be totally different next year.

I'm not dreading it, or afraid of it. More like excited to get started with it. I think it's the waiting that's really getting to me. My overactive imagination can lead to some pretty scary scenarios.

I guess I am a little apprehensive though. I don't want things to change TOO much. I like where I'm at right now. Mostly.

I mean, there's always something a person isn't happy with. But as of right now, I think I'm doing pretty good.

I'm pumped though. I want to try new things, and get more life experiences. I've been feeling a little bit like I'm in a rut. Stuck in the same old song and dance. I want to meet new people, do new things, have new adventures.

Same time, I still love it. But I guess that's part of growing up. Loving where you're at, but still always wanting some new experiences. Learning to accept change as a positive, not a negative.

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