Saturday, January 28, 2012

Can I take you home?

I've been neglecting writing. And I can feel the effect it's having. I'm just a bit more tense, a bit more on the edge. The chance has gone up I'll start crying over nothing. A bit lazier, and a bit more stressed over everything.

I'm definitely not one of those people that doesn't cry, or show my emotions. Sometimes it gets me in trouble. Because I can't poker face it. But at the same time, I know it means I care.

I know I'd rather care too much then not enough, and I'm ok with that.

However, I need to keep constructively using my excess emotions. AKA writing, blogging, taking pictures. One downfall to being an overachiever is less time in the day to keep myself sane.

But starting today, I'm starting again. It's going to be a long semester, with lots of changes.

Change is hard, but it'll be good for me. To step out of my comfort zone and to really experience life.

Because I know all too well how fast it can all change.

1 comment:

  1. Totally related with every word of that! I'm not an overachiever but I am over emotional sometimes and it IS good because you're right. It's better to care too much than not at all. And we do need to find a way to wield our emotional power in constructive ways.

    Keep writing!
