Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wouldn't you say you were lonely and love was breaking your heart?

Yesterday in my Leadership theory class, we did book reviews. Utterly boring, and I'm not going to lie about it. However, I did hear a thought that sparked that light and kept me awake most of the night. Again. As usual.

A girl was talking about her book, the title of which I cannot remember, and said something. Something that I interpreted as deep. She said that in her book, the author stressed instead of wondering why people are put into your life for your benefit, why are YOU put in peoples lives to help them. 

Different huh? Made me think about it. Why have I been focusing all this time selfishly on why I get these people as part of my life when maybe...I'm here for them. That I somehow have some sort of information for them. That though I need people in my life, that I'm working here to bring something else for others as well. My awkward dry sense of humor, or maybe my understanding that people need to be who they are no matter what being that person means. 

And the more I thought and do think about it, it makes more sense about why I'm here then why they are here. I mean, I also think it goes both ways. Being a part of someones life legitimately is a give and take type of relationship. You give a little, take a little, have a chat, form a bond. I learn just as much from people around me as I can now see they learn from me. 

Maybe that's why I'm in the Vu. To learn from these girls, while they learn from me. Not to mention Momma Bear. It's like what, week three? And I've already had so many FANTASTIC chats that I can barely wrap my head around it. 

I guess its almost like that age old theory that there are three sides to every story: Your story, their story, and the truth. Maybe no one will ever know if fate actually plays a part in who appears when and where in your life. Who knows who gets the most of a life? You or your friend, significant  other, roommate, wall mate, life mate? 

I guess. I need to focus more on giving then taking; that life happens for a reason and I need to accept that. I accept I am here to do something and help whoever it may be. I can't fight it, anymore than anyone else can. It's the circle of life in a less bloody form. 

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