Tuesday, September 20, 2011

We’re all just hu­man, don’t waste your time

Dear Emily in her freshman year of college,

This is Emily from September 20th, 2011. Sadly, I feel like I failed this going back in time thing to help you out this year, but you know what? I'm still going to grade you. Because maybe if I remind you, you won't make the same mistakes again.

First Mistake: Getting a boyfriend/finding a man friend the first week of school. Or just poor choices in picking boys in general.
       Poor choice Emily. Just saying. I mean really? I know you had quite the lackluster love life in high school, but what in the hell made you think that you could change that all in the first 48 hours of being here at school? Next time, when you meet a guy, make sure you get to know him before you decide that you're meant to be or whatever that crap is you pulled last year. For obvious reason's I'd rather not go into detail but in all reality, he was an ass. Straight up. So please maybe try a bit harder to realize that you need a guy who can challenge you, not bring you down. Like he said, you're going somewhere, and you need someone with you whose going to support that, not try and keep you back with him. Also, realize that just because it makes him feel good to have you dependent on him, you most definitely do NOT need to.
       Grade: D

Second Mistake: Not being respectful of fire
         Come on kid. Really? Self explanatory. Please think next time you're holding a lighted candle near your very flamable hair. Just saying. It's been almost a year and your hair has only just recovered.
     Grade: C+

Third Mistake: Not taking all opportunities
You're greatest weakness is your fear to do things. Make commitments and do things. Even if it only sounds somewhat fun, do it anyways. Everything's a learning experience. Make friends with all the girls in your house, not just the ones your friends think you should. Strike up a random conversation and make some ones day a little brighter. Try and think of things more of as what can I give to this experience then totally what can I take away? You're at the age now where its time to begin the give and take game.
       Grade: B-

Fourth Mistake: Refusing to say how you feel
     Your ex-roommate would be a prime example. Sometimes, it hurts to say the truth. You care a lot about others opinions of you, and you try not to knock on peoples feelings. You care but sometimes you need to remember its OK to care about yourself too. Rather then build up resentment or sad feelings, sit them down. Talk it out, work it out, whatever. It just makes things so much harder to have things stuck inside. Yes, it is constructive to write sometimes, but that's not going to be able to solve everything for ever.
       Grade: C+

Fifth and Final Mistake: Having too much fun
   You walked out of that dorm room last year having one of the greatest experiences of your life. You grew up, and though you stumbled a bit while you went through all the above mistakes, I'm not entirely sure how I'm going to top this year. Well actually, I do know. I'm going to work on everything I mentioned up there and continue doing the fantastic things you started last year.
      Grade: A+

Live it up, drink it down and go to bed each night knowing you did everything possible to make this the next greatest year of your life. Now, stop reading this and go out and start living it up right now.


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