Sunday, September 11, 2011

Success is the ability to go from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm

So as I attempted to be a mentor today, I used this quote to prove a point. I just found it while doing some assigned reading (joyous, I know) and I already appreciate it quite a bit. 

This girl whom I was talking to is having some trouble figuring things out; she's scared to make the leap and go into the unknown. It was funny to see her face, go from so happy to terrified, just because she couldn't envision changing herself that much. To go from whom she's always thought she's been, to something new she's discovered in college. Rather then tell her what to do, I told her I'd write her an inspirational blog post. Me telling her what I think she should do wasn't going to do anything besides creep her out. So here it goes. These are my words of wisdom, my attempts at being a leader in some form. To show her, and all the other girls why I want to be President (and it's not just for a power trip) 

        Here's my quote of the day.

Success is the ability to go from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.
       Just because something might not work out doesn't mean you shouldn't try. Give it all you've got and hope to hell that someones going to be there to catch you when you make the jump. I know I'll be there, whether or not anyone else is. You're never going to know unless you try, and you're always going to wonder if you do. I learned it the hard way; through the struggle of not trusting my own instincts and doing what felt right. I've hurt, disappointed, wallowed, you name it; I did it. And it sucks. Big time.
        So rather then wait for someone to hold your hand, or for someone to get tired of waiting for you to jump, just do it. Give into the thrill of knowing you're 18, at college, and discovering things about life you've never even thought about. You are strong, and wonderful. And you can do it. Yeah, I know while you're reading this you're probably laughing at the ridiculousness at this whole empowerment thing but someones got to tell you. I came back to the Vu to tell all of you guys this. Yes, I didn't know any of you, or had any idea what was going to happen but I did it. Because someone did it for me when I was in your shoes.
         You deserve that. You deserve the chance to have the opportunity I did, and you deserve the chance to  make your college experience everything that mine has been. To make friends with your wall mates, and go on midnight Wal-Mart runs. To jump off Black Rocks with your suite mates, go camping, have movie nights.To just sit, and talk about everything from the last NMU hockey game, to your new crush, to your deepest fears and regrets.
        So this is for all of you. Take chances, and make choices. Know that no matter what happens, the rest of the ladies living here will be there. That no matter what you want, or who you want, or where you want to be, its all yours. Take that chance. Because you can't have success without failure, and you can't have failure unless you try. In the end, failure makes you stronger. Strong enough to support yourself and hopefully next year, the other girls. Because that is what Deja Vu's all about. Taking chances, and knowing no matter what, someones always going to be here to help you brush it off and start again. There's a reason we're one of the strongest houses on campus. I came back, and all I can do is ask that you guys give me the chance to be there for you.

Sometimes, you just have to jump.

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