Friday, July 15, 2011

Where's Friday Night?

Picture this: You see that cute guy you've been working up the courage to talk to walking up to you at the mall; or your at a party and starting to feel uncomfortable about how many underagers seem to be loudly chugging their illegal beverages. All of a sudden a tingle races up to your brain and your stomach seems tense up and you know it's suddenly game time. The stakes have suddenly gone up and it's all you can do not to throw up pizza on your shoes.

You know that thing, that feeling, that twisting of your gut? That feeling that fates wrapped its hand around your small intestine and is trying to tie a sailors knot with your colon? I myself have named it my gut.

I know to some people this concept is foreign. I've been acquainted with this little guy since as far back as I can remember. My parents always gave me the little chat before I'd go out with my friends, to listen to that feeling; that little voice that comes along with it, breathing down the ridges of your spine. As much as you attempt to shake off that little twitch, it will keep coming until you do what it says. As much as my college aged self would like to think I'm mature, and know what I want all the time, I don't. And that's where my little angel of common sense comes in.

As obnoxious as it is, that little bodily trigger has saved me more times then I'd like to count. Granted, it hasn't always lead me down the greatest path either but everyone makes mistakes. Honestly, it was probably my fault for not listening to it soon enough in those instances.

Sometimes, as much as you don't want to you, you've just got to jump and trust your instincts. Cause honestly, no one knows you better than yourself.

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