Sunday, July 17, 2011

Ohhh Baby.

Sometimes I can't decide if this blog is the greatest idea I (well, Kyle really) ever had, or if maybe it's just a curse in disguise. I love being able to have a place to write my thoughts, and ideas and ambitions where I can get feedback as well as a place to put up some of my pictures. I write because I enjoy it, but I'd rather have a more constructive place such as this blog to store it, rather then in some lame notebook in my dresser.

Other times, I think it's just a place for my ego to get inflated and for me to broadcast stupid opinions that no one really cares about anyways. It's also a pretty big space to open up my deeper thoughts too; gives others a lot of opportunities to find out how I tick and find ways to shut me down.

Maybe I'm just being full of myself. Well, I kind of am, to assume that people read this out of their own free will, not some obligation as my friend. I could be full of myself in the fact that I always write these in the the first person 'listen to my fantastic use of verbs' way.

Curse..or blessing. Angel or devil. I can't decide.

It seems to be a reoccurring theme in my life lately, this unnecessary unknowing of what things are. How hard is it to have an idea and stick to it? To know in what you believe or at least be willing to try the other sides ideas on for size if its not your usual wear. It's the close mindedness of it all, I guess, that really gets to me. Its the age old Democrats vs Republicans, Superhero vs Villains. One side is always right, the other wrong. Can't there be some in between ground, where what you think is right and the other person thinks is right come together and make a baby of actual right-ness?

As my mom likes to remind when I'm in a spat, there are three sides to every story. You story, their story and the truth.

I guess I just need to figure out what side this blog falls on. And life itself for that matter.

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