Friday, July 8, 2011

I bet it sucks to be you right now

Right there. That title says it all. All I can say is that the best thing about an attempt at getting a boy that fails is the part where you can walk away and just let them feel the loss. I feel like sometimes that boys forget that the chase can only go so far, and that sometimes they just need to step it up. 

I'm not attempting to rant, as Dorothy so kindly tells me my posts sometimes turn into. It's just for some reason, this song has had quite the message for me this evening. I like these evenings, where the simplest thing can just set off a chain of interesting thoughts, and feelings. Who could have ever thought that this song, out of everything I've listened to tonight would be the one to get me thinking. 

And thinking I have been. Gosh, I need to get a life. Or friends. Or just stop thinking so much. 

Point is, I've decided that I'm the best thing these boys have never had. And I'm done whining and complaining about completely unappealing and terrible I am. I'm not going to be one of those airheads. 

The balls in their court. Now, some I've realized that of them are really the best things I've never had; some, could have worked. But I'm thinking that I shouldn't have to convince someone they are interested in me. It's their choice. I'm just here, living the dream...ish. 

I'm just gonna follow my gut. And that's all I can do. Some boys will work, and some will not. Either or, I'm just gonna listen to Beyonce for a bit more advice. She seems to have it all figured out. 

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