Thursday, June 30, 2011

Show me the meaning, of being lonely

I find that when I listen to music, I can somehow bring together the thoughts in my head. It's amazing how when I'm having a bad day, a quick run with some Three Days Grace can calm the urge I have to slap people; it's even more amazing, how when I'm feeling down, my iPod seems to find the songs that my subconscious was looking for.

Cliche; Yes. Truthful; Even more so.

I can't say that all music has this effect on me. To be honest, I can probably fall asleep the quickest at a band or orchestra concert. Something about it just makes my eyes feel heavy, and start to twitch. Hence, the obsessive compulsive picture taking to stay awake. But something about a good rap, or some heartfelt boy band jams just helps clear the air.

Tonight's sound track: Backstreet Boys. Sometimes its nice to think that maybe boys actually do have hearts. 

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