Monday, June 27, 2011

Yes, I like Pina Coladas, and getting caught in the rain

So I’ve been thinking (which is really never a good thing) and come to the realization that this is the summer of the omnipresent relationships. First off, isn’t that a fantastic word? Omnipresent. I read it the other day, and have been dying for the chance to use it. I had to look up what it actually meant, but honestly, it’s probably the best word I’ve come across in a long time. And it’s the absolute best word to describe the summer thus far:  ‘The Ever Present’ Relationship Summer. Gee, doesn’t that sound like a barrel of fun.

Point is, everywhere I turn I see relationships coming out of thin air. Some, expected; others…not so much. I’m not sure what it is, but something about summer just brings out hormones in people to hook up. It’s been this way ever since I can remember, way back in eighth grade. Ah, the glory days.  Anyways, I’ve taken it upon myself to name this yet un-discovered beast within it us.


To put it simply, humans who are desperate.

I know that sounds harsh, but let me explain. I’m not saying I don’t believe in the summer relationship, nor do I not believe in the idea that some relationships formed in the summer air cannot continue. I’m just saying, I don’t believe in lowering your standards so you aren’t the loser 9th wheel at the weekend bonfire. Why waste time dating someone just so you have a beach buddy to pal around with while all you’re other friends are occupied? Shouldn’t you date someone because they make you think, make you feel important, have the same ideas, morals, beliefs etc as you… not just because it’s your roommates somewhat attractive friend who just kind of showed up at the house one day?

Again, I disclaim. Not all relationships that have sprung up around me are like that. In fact, I’ve probably seen more committed relationships from people my age this past summer then I’ve ever seen before. I guess maybe what it comes down to is I’m resisting this ‘homosapidesperatis’. I refuse to become one half of a fake whole. If I’m going to invest my time with you, shouldn’t I expect a bit more than a couple steamy make out sessions at a party and some surface level discussions?

I’d like to compare it to the power couple theory. For those who haven’t heard of it, it’s the idea that to be in a successful relationship, either both parties must be at the same level of emotional and intellectual levels. You can’t have one with an ACT of 36 and majoring in biochemical engineering, and the other one going to school to be a hairdresser. *Disclaimer—there is nothing wrong with being a hairdresser. Some of the coolest people I’ve ever met have been hairdressers. It was just the spectrum idea I was going for.

Anyways, the point is, to make a relationship work in the power couple theory, both people have to have equal power. One can’t be a .8 and the other a .2. What kind of relationship is that? Now, a slight imbalance isn’t always terrible either, but it’s no good to have the scales tip too far one way or the other. I’ve seen the non power couples interact—it doesn’t work well, and one always gets hurt.

To make a relationship work, you’ve both got to want it. Not just because you’re lonely and tired of walking your cat by yourself. You’ve got to want it so much that you know you just can’t live without it.
No more of this ‘Homosapidesperatis’.  Decide on your relationship because it’s what you want, not what your meager self confidence is feeling like at the time. 

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