Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I’m just sayin’, you could do better--Drake

Think about it. That one simple phrase that can either be the best compliment you ever received, or a sucker punch straight to the gut. Who doesn't want to hear that their 'scum bag of an ex' wasn't good enough for them when their self confidence is dragging it's knuckles on the ground after a bad break up? Or that super cute boy you've been talking to and helping on his chemistry homework for weeks has now run off into the dark of the party with your now ex-wing woman?

But those words can pack a blow that sometimes is exactly what you DON'T want to hear. You stayed up until midnight finishing the perfect paper? But your prof. really thinks that it's below your standards. Or maybe that 6 minute mile you've been running to hit for months just 'doesn't quite make the cut'?

Point is-- words can go two ways. They can swing in your favor, or they can swing around and shove you off the plank to the sharks. You don't want to be told you aren't the best; so why should anyone else have to hear it?

As my grandma always says 
'If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it all'. 

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