Monday, December 23, 2013

I am thoroughly irritated. And this time, I have a wonderful reason why.

I am sick and tired of being sick and tired of social media, and the convenience the internet has created.

Don't get me wrong. I love the ability to check out the weather instantly, or see pictures of what my cousin down in Atlanta is up to. But beyond that, I am done.

I am ridiculously over those who feel Facebook is the best way to prove their point to the world, the best way to say "Look at me, with my little self confidence and over inflated ego! Check out all my mundane Facebook statuses, and pictures of my cat sitting in the same place it was five  pictures ago! See how wonderful my life! SEE! SEE! SEE!". I'm ridiculously over those who feel like just because we are friends on the Internet someone means that I value your opinion on the picture I posted to show my mom. News flash: I don't.

I am also ridiculously over people who use Facebook and my blog as the means to keep up on my life. For those fringe people like my old next door neighbor, or my cousin who I only see once every three years that I'm sort of close to, yes. This is the perfect way to see what I am up to, and to have the occasional chat. However, for those of you whom I have more of an in-depth relationship with, it would nice for a call. Or a text.

I will admit, that I too am one of these people at times. Who has the tendency to not pick up the phone and would rather just send the quick "Hello!" message on their Facebook wall. But after the past couple of weeks, I have come to the realization -- social media is not for me. I don't really care what you are doing, nor do I really care if you have any idea what I'm doing. So from now on, I'm working to change that. I will do what is right, and make the point to talk to people that are important to me because they deserve more than a fluffy overview of my life. If you are important, you get the nitty gritty, as I would only expect the same from you in return.

I blog, because I love to write. I love to have the ability to express myself and I could care LESS if anyone actually spends time reading it. Especially at this point in my life, with this blog. I am 21 years old, figuring out my life somewhat publicly through the Internet.

I don't write, or share my pictures so that my friends and family know what I'm doing. Maybe if I end up in Missouri or Kansas next year, yes. I will make a blog that I can send out to the family members so they can keep track of all the adventures I am having. Right now? There is nothing that can't be explained over the phone, or over a cup of coffee.

I am blogging to examine the complexities I find in my mind, and the world around me: not so that you can get away with never talking to me ever again.

Yes, I again will admit. I am guilty of posting things here lately in hopes that certain people with their heads up their asses will read it and realize some things. Sort of like a sub-tweet, but a bit more open. Sorry, I do still have the tendency to be an immature college student at times. The thing is, I'm not doing it to get in jabs and barbs that you will never respond to. I want you to respond to me. I want people to feel something when they read my writing. Whether they be agreeing with me, or contradicting me, I am writing to evoke emotion. To practice using my words in a more profound way so that someday I might be able to write a memoir, like I've always wanted to. Or maybe even a novel. Who the hell knows.

The point is, yes. I write to provoke emotion, and I write to explain the things in my head, and the ideas I have come up with. I write in hopes that people will read it and feel inspired, or ashamed, or sympathy or even for them to realize something about themselves they never knew before. How they  feel about an issue, or what their take is on global warming. Goddman it, even if you just decide that you don't like my pictures and you think Cher is a terrible artist, at least you figured something out.

I am not writing so that you can use my internet presence to find out my life. I am not on Facebook, so that you can see who I've been hanging out with lately. I am on Twitter, only because I like using it post the sarcastic comments I make in my mind (though I am on the verge of getting rid of that as well), not so you can have a literal play by play of my day.

I am tired of the social media castle. I am tired of being surrounded by walls built of bricks that come from every Facebook, Twitter and blog post I write. I am not something that is tucked away inside, hidden beneath a pixelated distortion of my life since social media erupted. I am a living, breathing human, with a multitude of thoughts and feelings. My gruff and cold exterior is only for those who do not deserve the inner workings of my mind. Deep down, I am squishy person who is hurt by social media daily. By the carelessness of people, and their lack of consideration for others. Deep down, I over analyze everything I post and everything I read, though I know many people are too self involved to actually be doing something to be hurtful on purpose. So you didn't like my status. Is it the end of the world as we know it? In reality, no, but in social media, hell yeah it does.

So I am done. I no longer seek the gratification of the little red flag, and soon, I have a feeling the gratification of a heart and interaction might be gone as well. I can only hope that page views will not have to be eliminated as well.

If you need to get a hold of me, I have a phone. Feel free to call it. Don't have it? I'm sure you'll find a way to get in touch with me if you need me.

I am seeking friends for the end of the world, because soon, the world as we know it will fall completely to the wrath of the pixels.

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