Sunday, March 11, 2012

Lets stick together now

It's the last stretch-- home stretch many call it. Seven weeks of school, seven more weeks of the home we've all created together.

I think it's especially nerve-wracking for me this year. At least, more so than last. I knew where I was going to be next year, at least in some respects.

Now, the next step in my life is entirely dependent on what happens Tuesday.

I's kind of nice that it's out of my hands. In other respects, it's killing me that the day I've waited for all year is a mere 72ish hours away. This time on Wednesday, I might be the next in line to take over a wonderful house of college students. To make some changes, make my mark, MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

I can't lie that I won't miss the Vu, or my ladies. I will. But I know that even if I don't live here next year, I'll never let them go. I don't know if any of them entirely understand how much I'll miss them...about how much I really mean it when this is my home.

Don't get offended Mom, our house is home too. Always will be. But part of this damn growing up process is being able to make a home for myself wherever I go. And this is my home. And these are my sisters.

I know that no matter where we go, who we become, how we change, I'll always have them.

Might not as great of an appreciation post as one I've read before...but I'm too much of an emotional you know what as they call me to get more in depth now.

Either way, (RA or Home) its time for me to move on, and to start my next chapter.

Because it's not goodbye, it's I'll see you tomorrow.

*That goes for you too Princess.

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