Saturday, March 29, 2014

Tick tock tick tock faster than the fastest clock
Can you feel it
Can you feel the pulse within your veins and power coursing through your chest
Grab it
Harness it
Don’t let it get off just yet
Don’t get rid of your biggest super power, your hidden secret, the one that defines you and only you the one that encapsulates your entire being and just generally makes you, you
Find that passion that burns its way through layers of epidermis as your body temperature rises
Find that passion as it cuts through your vocal cords, straining them with the need you have to let the words fly off of your tounge
And pierce the awaiting ear drums of those around you
Take that fire that burns so deep within your gut that sometimes you think you have an ulcer
Just because the only thing that could possibly calm it is the sugar clasped between your hand
Tick tock tick tock
Your heartbeat screams as it pounds out a symphony across the xylophone splayed over squishy organs, as it smashes out the guitar riff from simple tendons straining to constrain your enthusiasm
Feel the pulse build one step two step three step four as it pours through the rivulets of sweat that bead down your face, as your exhaustion catches up to you
Your heart murmurs softly as your head sinks back and your chest moves to the easy languid beat of the satisfied cat who lives around the corner


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