Sunday, March 23, 2014

Not A Bad Thing

So I wrote this slam poem the other day, to read at our Self-Acceptance Week Open Mic night on Friday. I just thought I'd share.

Heart pounding
Palms sweaty
Knees weak
Isn’t necessarily a bad thing

Adrenaline pumping
Head swirling
Stomach contracting
Chest constricting
Doesn’t mean there is something wrong

Is normal
So why doesn’t it feel

Why am I trained to believe that I
Am the problem
That I’m the crazy one
That there is something
Deeply wrong
Like,  ‘What in actual fuck’ wrong
With me

There is nothing wrong with me

So I’m anxious
So what

So sometimes my head plays games
And a small ailment
Can become the next path to death
So what

So sometimes I get overly concerned
About having a schedule
And being on time
So what?

So sometimes I fall too hard
And I fall too fast
Because I want you to love me
Before you think I’m crazy too

Because sometimes
I believe them
I believe all those lies
That I’m not ‘normal’
That I have problems

I feed into the expectation
That as a woman
A strong,
Free thinking woman
Who doesn’t put up with shit
Who just happens to sometimes
panick until my chest constricts
And then the tears come without stopping

This all means I’m crazy

But you know what?
Fuck that
Fuck this ridiculous belief
That’s been shoved down my throat
And so deeply engrained in my brain
For 21 years
That makes me think that I’m crazy

Because I am not
I am not crazy.
It just so happens
That one of my traits happens to be due
To my unbalanced levels of serotonin
That my trait means that instead of running
Perfectly balanced
Sometimes I get a little high strung

This one little trait
In hundreds of genes
has founded this  this ridiculous belief
That I am crazy

I have plenty of other great traits
I’ve got some damn nice eye’s
And a face that freckles faster in the sun
Than an ice cube can melt
I also have thick thighs
An obnoxious laugh
And a verbous vocabulary
These are all traits that are accepted

So why can’t I accept the fact that
My heart beats quickly
And sometimes I have to take my shoes off
To balance my internal temperature
Why can’t I accept that
I’m not crazy
That there isn’t anything wrong with me.

It’s taken me a long time to get here

A longer time
Than I can portray in a poem
A selection of words

But I’m here.
I’m standing here.
And you know what?

I’m not crazy.

I accept that sometimes I get worried about missing my alarm
And so I don’t sleep at all

I accept that sometimes my adrenaline gets the best of me
And sometimes
Even picking where I go to dinner can be a life or death decision

The thing is though
I’ve made the decision to accept that

To accept that maybe my brain runs a 112 times faster
Than your average car
And I’ve come to accept that
I need to fix my thinking about myself

I’ve come to accept myself

So no longer will I feed into this fucked up notion
Of crazy
Or this ridiculous belief that
I am flawed
The only thing that’s flawed with me
Is that sometimes I eat too many twix bars
And that i swear a bit too much

Beyond that

I am accepting myself

I hope that you can accept that too. 

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