Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Louder than a lion

As much as I hate it when people call me Mom, I know it's true. I have this instinctive nature to care about people, truly, madly, deeply.

If you're in that circle, you can be damn sure that I'll go to the ends of the earth to make sure you're safe.

Sometimes it gets me in trouble though. Especially when my instinctive nature comes into play about girls. I've had some really awesome talks with my girls lately, tonight in particular. We moved past surface level, and got into some really crazy conversations. And even if I'm behind on my reading for tomorrow now, I would never change it.

All I want to do is hug them and keep them safe all the time. That I want to go back in time and make sure that all those terrible things never happened. To hug them, and be there, forever and always.

It's crazy how even if they've only been here for less than a week, I'll do anything to take care of them. Momma bear is coming out, and she isn't going back for a very long time.

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