Sunday, August 18, 2013

 I could get lost for hours 
in flowers
in the veins that run through 
each delicate petal 
 In the spaces between each section
and in the colors
and the changing layers
 Photographing flowers may be
one of my all time favorites
like people,
 no two are exactly alike
 they all have their own personality
and essence
and it's not something that 
you can find by one mere snap shot
you have to search 
to find the deep secrets
that make each one up
 Much like people
they are mysterious
yet mature in their ability 
to let others see 
their inner beauty
I wish that I had the ability
to show my inner beauty
to only those who look
closely enough
and to not be guarded when it comes
to doing so
Maybe it's how I'm finding myself;
that even if I can fit one small portion
of their 'souls' 
so to speak
in my small little frame
I cannot forget about the beauty
that exists 
past the edges

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