Thursday, May 3, 2012

They wanna see if it's true

I'm so close, yet so far away. I want to be done. Done with school, and done with my roommate.

But at the same time, I don't want to leave everyone else who means so much to me. It's bittersweet.

It's like one of those heart felt, sappy, throat choking poems. About how my heart feels like it's being split in two, and the tears can't seem to end.

I mean, a total over exaggeration, but you get what I'm throwing down.

I know all good things must end, and it doesn't really mean the end. It's more like the end of one chapter, but on to the next. You can't have a fantastic memoir in one chapter. I mean, it could be interesting though.

Point is, I know that I'm not going to die. And neither is my biff. And neither are any of the literally life long friends I've made.

Because it's not the end, it's not a real good bye. It's a "Have a safe drive home, and we'll skype tomorrow OK?"

 It's a "I'll see you next year! And we can have MP breakfasts every day!"

It's a "Someday I'll be 21, and we can go out to the bars together."

It's a "This has been one of the best years of my life, and I'll never forget it. I just know, next year will be even better if that's possible."

We're all going to be OK.

Because one summer isn't going to change a whole year of becoming a family. 

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