Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tell me that we belong together

I want to write a bucket list. But I don't want to just make a stupid one, filled with things like 'Drink a King size smoothie in less then 10 minutes' or 'Learn how to skin a squirrel'. All things I'd like to eventually learn, but I'd rather be able to share something a little bit more substantial then that. To show that besides being awkwardly and obnoxiously sarcastic, I do think about things at times.

I was inspired after the Buried Life came to my college and gave us a presentation. Totally and completely stereotypical, I know. But come on. How many times in a persons life do they say 'I'm searching for my passion, and all I need is some inspiration." So I just happened to get my light bulb moment (or twitch of a light bulb moment) at their presentation.

I hear it all the time, and I know I say it all the time too: I just don't know what I want to do with my life. I want to make a difference, be a difference. Be a leader, and save the starving kids in Africa. So these attractive Canadian dudes found it by making this project: To make a bucket list, and do whatever it takes to cross things off. Not to mention, along the way they would help others try and cross things off of theirs. Deep right? It all started with a bucket list.

So why can't I find out what might work for me through my own bucket list? So, time to kick off my new long term project.

To start it off though...

1. Get paid to blog
2. Write the next great american novel
3. Be able to take my grandma to Sweden
4. Learn how to play the trombone
5. Volunteer to help diabetes research

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