Wednesday, October 26, 2011

I'm a little dysfunctional, don't you know?

I'm having my mid-college crisis. Maybe it's just another one of those Emily thinks's its a crisis and its really not...but I'm pretty sure it actually is this time.

I'm over halfway through my third semester at college, and I have finally started to realize what I want. Sort of not really.  I know that being an electronic journalism major is not where I want to be though, that's for sure. Which sucks, but I guess its good that I realized that now before I was chest deep in the all of classes and just gave up. At least I know when I'm  close to being really dumb. However, I'm not in that no mans land of the 'Well...then what do I want to be?" I've been thinking and here's where I'm at right now.

I don't want to be a doctor, or a nurse or anything like that. I don't like blood, or drugs or any of that. I had debated about being a psychologist, but lets be honest here: I'd  go Dr. Phil on them. Which probably isn't appropriate when you don't have your own TV show to do so on.

I do NOT want to be a teacher in high school or anything below that either.  I think I could handle being a professor at the collegiate level...but the question that comes with that,  is in what? I have to still find something to specialize in to become a teacher. I can't just be a life coach. That would be reallyyyy cool if it could work like that.  'Welcome to Life 101!'. Hah more like 'Welcome to Failure 101"

I wish I could just be a inspirational speaker. Not Chris Farley style on SNL, but like a totally legitimate one. I could write books about my experiences and totally be the next Buried Life...except a I'd be a girl. And by myself with out a cool posse with sweet accents.

Maybe I could stop wearing shoes and donate all the money I would spend on them to homeless chipmunks. That would be a good inspirational topic.

OK, so thats stupid, but I mean really now. How many people become famous and get to be inspirational speakers these days over stupid things like that. Yes, I might be just a little bit bitter. But I feel like I could do just as good or better with what life experiences I have right now compared to some of the people out there.

But in the end, I guess it kind of boils down to part of a quote I found while doing a research paper on Nellie Bly. What she said really made me think...and made me realize that it's kind of me in a nut shell.

‘I want to write. And I want my writing to make the world better for lots of people. I want to work and I want to do it as an individual, and not be treated as if I weren’t up to a real job because I’m a woman.'

So that's where I am. I want to write. But now where can I go with that?

1 comment:

  1. Em! I totally understand how you feel! I was the same as you in college, I knew I didn't want to be a "nurse" or "teacher" but I couldn't pinpoint an extact title of what I wanted to be. My only advice would be figure out what makes you happy, what you really have fun doing....and work it to fit around that :) you don't have to fit in to anyone's mold.
