Saturday, October 15, 2011

Why do you lock yourself up in these chains?

So today was brother-sister bonding day while the rents are off being good people. Today's brother sister bonding really translated into sitting together, watching five movies in a row, and eating obscene amounts of really terrible food. All in all, a successful day, that's for damn sure.

As the night wound down, we ended on our last movie for the night; 'Bridesmaids'. A fantastic movie, though a bit raunchy at times. However, I somehow still manged to garner a deeper meaning from it. 

In general rules for myself, I have high standards not only for myself, but for the people I associate with. I like to take charge, and know that my life is what I made of it. However, I can honestly say I've hit a slump. I can't say I'm depressed, or even anything close. I guess I'm just feeling down. Rather then my normal just get on up and keep trucking, I've been taking the lame route and just blame the world for me being sucky. 

But something Megan's character said hit me, and it was all I could do not to start blogging right then. She said:

"I don't associate with people who blame the world for their problems. You are your problem. You are also your solution.

It kind of amazed me how she could put my whole (normal) mindset into such a compact, deep phrase. Because its' true. You are your own problem. Yes, sometimes life gives you lemons because the person you're in love with doesn't love you back, or your creepy roommate keeps watching you while you sleep. However, its not the problem that really matters; its the reactions. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. I'm pretty sure that physics but don't quote me on that one. I'm just an Electronic Journalism Major over here.

Moving on before I lose my train of thought though...For every action, an equal and opposite reaction. So you get dealt a crappy hand. One that involves some awkward scenarios and probably a couple crying fits. But its' not what you get stuck with, but what you do with it. I know, again with all that self empowerment crap but really....its what it all comes down to. What are you going to be able say you did at the end of the day. 

And I can't say anymore that I did nothing, and that I felt sorry for myself. I'm not that person. I am becoming my problem. I need to get off my ass and give it up. No one else is out there (at least I don't think so) that's attempting to make my life crappy. I need to grow up, and stop my over analyzing. I need to realize that for being some one who has high standards for others, I need to check myself at the door and stop being the problem, but become the solutions.

Because how in the hell am I supposed to help make a difference in other peoples lives when I can't even make one in my own?

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