Thursday, July 30, 2015

An open letter to this one guy

Thanks for being initially drawn to me by my superficial good looks (also, shout out to genetics for gifting me with at least basic genes so that I may attract the opposite sex). I appreciate that you find me attractive.

The thing is, I am much more than this. I am much more than my slightly round 5'3" frame, and long brown hair. I am a human, a person, full of contradictions and discrepancies. I am not something to be put on a pedestal to be stared at, but I am also not something to be handled roughly. I deserve to be treated with the care and respect that comes with any relationship, and letting me make my own choices is part of that equation.

I'm glad that you seemingly care enough about me to break things off before "they end on a bad note". I would be even more impressed if you had given it longer than 2 weeks and two days to decide to do this, based off the fact that you and I were not compatible, were not interested in the same things, or didn't have the 'spark' necessary to fuel a romantic interest. I am less impressed with the fact that you took away my choice of whether or not I would "like who you are" based on your own personal assumption that you are a 'bad person'.

But you still want to be friends. Because obviously, you're not that bad of a person to be friends with. Just not date. Whatever the fuck that means.

So great.  You mentioned once that you are your own worst critic (welcome to life, sweetheart) so I get why you think you are such a bad person. Unfortunately for you, I hate being told what to do, or what I think. And you cannot tell me that I wouldn't like who you are.

Because you don't know that.

In fact, it genuinely upsets me that you say this. Clearly, we haven't made it far enough into the "getting to know you stage" for you to see that I don't judge people based on their looks, education, gender, sexuality, economic status, whatever but that I judge people based on how they treat others. In fact, I pride myself on my ability to actually get to know people as people. To base my feelings on how I've seen them treat others, or how I've seen them treat me. At the end of the day, this is what matters. How you as a human treat the world around you.

But gee thanks, for taking away my opportunity to actually get to know you more, so that I could make a more educated decision on that. I really appreciate you telling me what I think, and what I should do because that is clearly a great way to treat people.

So maybe this is the answer I was actually looking for -- because if you are the type of person who is going to tell me what I am going to think, or who you think I am, then maybe this wasn't going to work out after all. I just wish I had been able to figure that out in a different way than having my heart squished through a text message.

I am a human, as are you. So I'm not going to harbor a grudge for all eternity (because its something I'm working on, not because I think you deserve it), but maybe just a few days. But I do want to tell you this, so that maybe someday you can find happiness.

We are all human, full of discrepancies and contradictions. People make mistakes, make good and bad choices, and can change with the wind. We are both fragile, yet resilient against heartbreak and heartache. We are our own worst critics, but out there are people that will love you for all the things that make you hate yourself.  Until you let that hate for yourself go, and accept that you are human, you will never be able to find that person nor will that person be able to find you. Until you can love yourself, you cannot fully love someone else. Remember that you are a human and being you isn't something you should ever be ashamed of.

Being you isn't something that you should ever be ashamed of. 

So go figure it out. Learn how to love yourself, and how to change your own hateful self-talk.

Just remember that you cannot decide how others view you, just as you cannot change who you are. It is not your place to form others opinions for them, and to take away that inalienable right from them.

Maybe then we can be friends.

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