Friday, January 17, 2014

I am thankful
for the fact that every single day,
I know that I am something 
to value. 
I know that I am worth more than
some guy who doesn't treat me right.
That I,
 in fact, 
deserve so much more
than a fleeting romance. 

I deserve someone who cherishes me
and thank god I know that. 
That even on those days that I may not feel
like the prettiest girl in the world,
or the smartest, 
I know that I am worth more than someone
who treats me inhumanely.
Who treats me as if I am something disposable, 
that is only kept around for when it is convenient 
for them.
That I value myself, 
to know that I deserve more
than a selfish relationship
based on the physical 
and interactions. 
I deserve someone who can 
challenge me mentally. 
Encourage me to delve into the things
that make me, me. 
Be proud of the fact, 
that I don't be put up with crap
and I plan on doing something with my life.

And you know what?

Whether or not I ever find someone
who thinks these things about,
I think them about myself.

I'm proud of myself.

That, in itself,
is a lot more than many other people can say.

I don't say that enough though.
I don't recognize the things I do every day
to make a difference. 
I'm always so focused on being
better, faster, stronger
that I sometimes overlook the fact
how strong I really am. 

I am graduating college,
and have so many opportunities ahead of me
because I am EXACTLY who I am.
Not because I bend to fit someone else's
mold of their complacent friend,
or everyday human being.
I may not be the picture perfect
human in every respect but damn it. 
I am doing good things. 
I am a good thing.

I have graduated from the Student Leader Fellowship program,
completed three out of four Superior Edges,
been a successful Resident Adviser,
a successful Student Office worker,
been an active member of Mortar Board,
Special Events Committee,
Hall and House Governments,
 an extremely active member of Women for Women,
serving on and chairing the Hear Us Roar committee 
multiple times, 
while also being the secretary for one year
and now the Vice President.
I have achieved a stellar grade point average,
and made the Dean's list every semester at college.
I have earned outstanding reviews on 
my performance both in my job, 
and in my internships for my major. 
I have received numerous awards,
served on the board of directors 
for the children's museum
and so much more 
that I can't even remember off of the top
of my head. 

And I'm not done yet.
I'm nowhere near done. 

As scared as I am, for the imminent doom
of graduating college, 
I am so passionate about what I am going to do.
I love Student Affairs, 
and I will excel in it. 
Whether it be here at Northern,
or whether it be somewhere five states away.
Where ever I am,
I will be making a difference. 

In ten years, look for me with a doctorate, 
paving my way to changing campus life
in whatever way that may be.

 I will continue to be the strong, confident, capable woman that I am.

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