Sunday, September 8, 2013

Midnight Inspiration

tonight, instead of mindlessly listening to music
as I painted my nails. 

I decided to watch a Ted Talk. 
Not something I'd ever done before.
Not something I had every thought about
even doing before

But someone,
mentions quite often that 
they were 'watching a Ted Talk'
while eating breakfast
washing dishes
whatever things, he happens to be doing
at the time

And thus,
I've been intrigued.
He has a habit of making me feel 
like that

So tonight
I decided to check it out.
Ted Talks, that is

Maybe to make myself feel 'cooler'
more intelligent
more prone to understanding the deep things in life
maybe just to be more impressive
if anyone asks what I did with my night

I found something else.
Something that might just be my infatuation
with public speaking
and writing

but maybe
just maybe 
it's something.

 That I could grasp. 

And use. 

I watched the Ted Talk,
linked at the top of the page. 
Done by Sarah Kay
a spoken word poet.

I'd never heard of her,
 but within 30 seconds 
 I had decided that I wanted 
to know her

I wanted to be able 
to share my words 
like she does

I have listened to many a spoken word poet 
generally, due to my friends infatuation with specific ones
but I had never really 
as I adored listening 
to her

Maybe it's because it was something
that I could relate to

Maybe it's because I've never heard
someone actually explain
spoken word poetry
in such a form

Maybe it's because my passions are so overwhelmingly

that spoken word poetry somehow speaks
to multiple at once.

Maybe it's none of the above
and I'm just grasping at thin air
pulling it out of my ass

But then again.
Maybe not. 

So now I feel inspired.
At midnight. 
On a Sunday.
now a Monday.

And I'm not sure what I want to do with it. 

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