Saturday, March 23, 2013

This is the self-empowering blog post, for those who feel like they aren't good enough.
That they don't matter.
That they need to change to fit into
someone else's perception on WHO and WHAT they should be.
Those people that can't tell
where they stop, and they end.
Those people, who just want to know what it's like
to be loved, to feel love, to love.

This is for those days that everyone has, where they don't understand
exactly who they are, or what they are
Where their soul starts and ends, and where the world around them

This is the moment
where I put into words to maybe showcase
to those around me
those things that I want them to know,
but can't find the words to say to them

This is the post to eliminate my guilt that I don't say
how extremely, incredibly, undeniably important
certain people are to me.

How I fail in showing how much I care.

Because if I don't show how much I care,

those people will never understand.
That they do matter.
That they never need to change,
that those people UNDERSTAND,
that not knowing where they stop,
and where they end,
are just in the journey,
and that they aren't alone.
That I love them, and that deep down, they know
they love me too.

Because they are just as important
as the sun,
the dirt,
the earth,
the birds and the bees.

This is for those people, who are lost
but are waiting to be found.
not by anyone else,
but by themselves.

For them to wake up and realize
that even if the words are not spoken
that the feelings are there
and in the end,
they impact people in ways every day

These are my words
as jumbled and entirely word vomited out
as they are

I just want you to know
that even if other people don't realize it
I do.

And someday, you will too.

1 comment:

  1. Em,

    Don't ever stop writing. I love every word.

    I to have done some growing this last year. Not that I'm done. We are never done growing while we're here on this planet. But this past year has been a crazy one. This past month has been particularly challenging and I have a feeling it's not entirely over but I have emerged from it so far anew. I have learned and relearned many a thing through it all:

    *Don't be afraid of unconditional love, from God, from other people, as well as your's FOR other people. We may get burned that's their lesson to learn and that's all a part of growing for them AND us. We are caring as we are meant to.

    *Sometimes you can help someone you care about too much, and then once in a while, no matter how difficult, no matter how much it hurts, you have to step away. You have to give them space. When the time is right, they will come back to you.

    *We may keep making the same mistakes over and over again but that doesn't make us failures. We just needed to learn it again. Or have the point driven home.

    There's more but this comment is getting a bit lengthy.

    I trust you are well. Keep writing.

