Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Feminism for the Open Minded

       My mind appears to be racing with the thoughts of feminism for the past 24 hours. After reading a thought provoking article, (Click Here) I was forced to re-evaluate my own stances on the feminist movement.
       However, by re-evaluating, I mean re-affirming and only firing up my brain even more. So, here it goes. 

According the Merriam-Webster's online dictionary, the definition of feminism is as follows:

Feminism-- The theory of the political, economic and social equality of the sexes. 

For me, feminism means all of this and more. For me, feminism stands for the ability to actually achieve my goals, without jumping through a different hurdle to prove my worth every day. For me, it means the ability to pave the path for those who follow, so that young girls may be able to just hear stories of the days when women made 77 cents to each mans dollar, and not live it. It means the ability to prove that as a woman, I am just as capable as a man in not only supervisory positions, but leadership positions as well.To be able to make my own choices, and voice my opinion on things that affect the world around me, from contraception to equal rights for everyone.

 For me, feminism is the ability to be EQUAL, and not lesser.

It's not even just for equality for women. Feminism to me also means the ability to give courage to others, in their own battles for acceptance, equality, and livelihood. That some day, skin color and sexual orientation will matter as little as what sort of milk you pour into your cereal every morning. That every living, breathing, HUMAN deserves the opportunity to not only pursue their dreams, but be able to live and enjoy it as well.

I was told today, that I was too impassioned when talking to some of my co-workers. To quote "You're yelling at the wrong people. The people that do that are in Congress." Not to mention, "You just have to wait until they all die out. Eventually when we are 80 things will be better," and the classic, "Just be happy with what you have. You have it a lot better than a lot of other people."

I disagree. Everyone is a factor. If you don't care now, how will things be any different when I'm 80? When slavery was abolished, discrimination didn't just disappear over night. In fact, it still happens. But it is getting better. With every generation of those who not only preach but actually act in tolerance, the world around us grows less hateful. With every day, every moment, every kind hearted gesture, things change.

But nothing would have changed if those strong minded people had just sat back and waited as the world floated by; if they had said "Oh, please, let someone else do it. It'll get better....eventually."

Sadly, it doesn't work like that. Things do not magically disappear with the moon every night, washing the slate clean of not only hate, but generations of preconceptions and notions. People do not wake up, with bright eyes, and a heart full of new ideas. These misconceptions have been handed down for generations, and it will take generations of perseverance to dismantle them.

So I can't sit back, and keep my lips pressed tight. When you say things like "I'll be for feminist equality when women have to sign up for the draft", I refuse to not let your ignorant thoughts degrade my need to create  a better place for my fellow humans. If that's all it takes, for the country to realize that everyone deserves equal respect, then please; Pass that along to our dear President. Let him know that you, genius that you are, have solved all of the worlds problems. Put the women in the draft! Then obviously equality will soon follow.

I would love to be put in the draft, to be able to show that I can hold my own. I would never ask someone to do something that I wouldn't, so why would I suddenly falter at putting my name in to serve our country? Hell, sometimes it's hard for me to even ask someone to call the pizza place because I know I hate doing it!

It scares me sometimes, thinking about the long road that is not only before me, but for others that have the same fire. The thing is, it only scares me in the idea that I might not get to finish all the work I want before I die. A lifetime is two lifetimes too little for the changes that are to be had.

I refuse to sit back though, and be too afraid of not enough time to stop me from using the time that I have.

I am a 21 year old, female college student. I neither hate men, nor do I hate anyone different than I.

I am a feminist, and I am proud of it.

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