Sunday, November 18, 2012

But I won't be the one to let you go

Growing apart doesn’t change the fact that for a long time we grew side by side; our roots will always be tangled. -Ally Condie

It's amazing how fast time slips by, piece by piece, through the hourglass we call a lifespan.

I last blogged on the fourth, and now's it's 12 days later. How fast things, feelings, and places in a person's life can change in 12 days.

Ideas, hopes, and what you expect of the future can either engulf you in it's glory of being right, or it can drown you in the dark when things don't turn out as expected.

It's finding your foothold in the slope and grabbing hold as the avalanche buries you alive in the mountain side. It's holding out your hand and accepting the help to come back up from getting knocked on your ass. It's accepting that even as the the eclipse might happen, it will be light again on the other side.

There's always hope, and always room to grow. Things change for a reason, and that's all I need to remember.

Just because one door is shutting behind me, it's only to keep in all the wonderful memories that I've collected. To keep them safe, and to remind me that even though I was just as afraid of that section of my life, in the end you can't grow if you don't continue to move on.

My roots grow deeper, and keep me entangled with those that matter and have and will affect me for life, even if we grow apart in the future. That our lives will stay intertwined behind the closed door and remind me  of myself, and to not be afraid.

Growing up and apart only lets us have more room to grow more and to let others grow with us. No one can grow if we are suffocated.

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